EY OpsChain Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)

Track your entire carbon emissions with trusted information and strengthen your ESG performance, helping you avoid issues around greenwashing.

The EY OpsChain ESG solution provides a trusted platform for emissions and carbon credit traceability using tokenization technology. This capability aims to drive decarbonization across the value chain by enabling transparency of emissions and carbon credit.

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There is an urgent need for ESG transparency

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The global trend for ESG-focused regulation is growing. There is a raft of regulations coming into effect organizations need to be prepared for. Hefty penalties are in place to punish those who do not comply.

The EU aims to increase transparency around sustainability reporting (i.e., the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR)). In the US, the SEC recently proposed amendments that would require domestic and foreign registrants to include climate-related information in periodic reports. Guaranteeing regulators can access and easily understand this data is critical for organizations to ensure regulatory compliance.

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Independently verifiable, unalterable data

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In addition to the solution’s integration with key emission data verifiers and validators, individual products are tokenized on the blockchain with their allocated carbon emissions so they can be tracked through the value chain. More trustworthy with integration of key emission data verifiers and validators.

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Authenticity of offsets

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EY OpsChain ESG captures the evidence of justifiable carbon offsets through verified data points to help reduce your organization’s environmental impact as it decarbonizes. With the ability to ingest and mint carbon credits, and allocate tokens to product emissions, your organization can create products with a significantly reduced carbon footprint.

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Plug in and play functionality

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Through our API enabled solutions, you can plug straight into the EY OpsChain ESG world.

Start building your ESG future through our enterprise grade API functionality. EY OpsChain ESG is fully plug and play, so you can focus on implementing ESG strategies based on data points which are generated from the product.

Product feature

EY Opschain ESG plans


Plan for trying out the product

Polygon Testnet

Scope 1,2 and 3 emission calculations

External System Integration

90 Transactions


Plan for applications with low volume of transactions

Polygon or Ethereum

Scope 1,2 and 3 emission calculations

External System Integration

900 transactions/month

Administrator console for managing API usage

Standard support

US$ 750/month*

*The price includes gas fees when running on Polygon network

Paid monthly / 12 Months subscriptions


Plan for enterprises running high volume of transaction

Polygon or Ethereum

Scope 1,2 and 3 emission calculations

External System Integration

Tailored transactions/month

Administrator console for managing API usage

Standard support

Standard SLA’s

Paid monthly / 12 Months subscriptions

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Tokenizes goods and services’ emissions

Greater tracking and traceability throughout the value chain.

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Authenticity of offsets

Demonstrate justification in using verifiable carbon offsets to reduce an organization’s environmental impact as they decarbonize.

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Standardizing data requirements

Enhances the understanding of an entire value chain’s CO2e position.

Thought Leadership

Explore what EY leaders have to say and learn how blockchain could help your organization.

The team

Paul Brody

EY Global Blockchain Leader

Clare Adelgren

EY Global Head of Blockchain Sales and Operations

Other Products from BEC product suite

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Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Scope 3 emissions refer to those not produced by the company. While organizations generally measure and control their Scope 1 and 2 emissions, Scope 3 emissions are under the control of outside suppliers or customers. Measuring Scope 3 emissions puts control back inside the company to allow for tracking activities across the entire business model — or value chain — from suppliers to end users.

Transparent communication about sustainability is essential to avoid so-called green-washing. Consumer demand for sustainable products and services has rapidly increased in recent years. Terms, such as “sustainable,” “green,” “environmentally friendly,” in product documentation or used in advertising raise the impression that sustainability is a characteristic of a product.

One of the guiding principles at EY, is that blockchains will do for business ecosystems what enterprise resource planning (ERP) did inside the enterprise. Detailed traceability allows tracking of emissions inventory and a better understanding of the impact of value chains in terms of carbon emissions. By using carbon credit tokens, either created or sourced on the market, companies can have real-time visibility into both their stocks and their actions toward a net-zero impact.

The industry faces claims of a severe lack of transparency, traceability and verifiability for corporate consumers and regulatory bodies. Blockchain-based APIs have the potential to improve verifiability and reduce transaction costs, and to a lesser degree address the permanence concerns of some projects.

Blockchain uses secure encryption and, with additional security layers applied to it, sensitive data can be read only by relevant parties. This allows company data to remain private. Blockchain is tamper-evident, so if fraudulent transactions and tampering were to occur, the blockchain is very efficient at flagging it immediately without having to corrupt the existing data.

Have more questions?Contact Us

Accurately measure and track your organization’s carbon footprint

Connect with EY OpsChain ESG professionals to explore how we can help your organization meet environmental commitments.

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EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.